Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Guitar 1
Overdriven Guitar

Guitar 2
Overdriven Guitar

Electric Bass (finger]


Vocals 1
Alto Sax

Vocals 2
Alto Sax
Bro-ken hearts and torn up le-tters Girl you just can't dance for-e-ver If you want to make it be-tter Her hands are in her po-ckets And she's scared to look The pic-ture's fro-zen And she's closed the book Jealou-sy has only got one friend And Jo-ey's heart was ne-ver meant to mend Wal-king fa-ster now she holds him close The ti-ming ma-tters just to take the dose Em-pty po-ckets tell the sto-ries.. And there's no de-sti-ny when e-very-one's your e-ne-my Take your jea-lous heart and cast it in-to stone You'll re-gret it all Li-ving be-hind your wall And you'll ne-ver fall in love If you don't fall in love Bro-ken hearts and torn up le-tters Girl you just can't dance for-e-ver If you want to make it be-tter The nights are ge-tting dar-ker And the wind is cold The su-mmer sun Has now be-come so old Her clo-sest friends Were ne-ver meant to fade With all these dreams That di-dn't make the grade Close the doors but ne-ver look in-side Time will tell if all your love has died Em-pty po-ckets tell the sto-ries.. And there's no de-sti-ny when e-very-one's your e-ne-my Take your jea-lous heart and cast it in-to stone You'll re-gret it all Li-ving be-hind your wall And you'll ne-ver fall in love If you don't fall in love Bro-ken hearts and torn up le-tters Girl you just can't dance for-e-ver If you want to make it be-tter Yo-o-o-o Bro-ken hearts and torn up le-tters Girl you just can't dance for-e-ver If you want to make it be-tter Times like these won't last for-ev-er Close the doors but ne-ver look in-side Time will tell if all your love has died Em-pty po-ckets tell the sto-ries.. And there's no de-sti-ny when e-very-one's your e-ne-my Take your jea-lous heart and cast it in-to stone You'll re-gret it all Li-ving be-hind your wall And you'll ne-ver fall in love If you don't fall in love You'll re-gret it all Li-ving be-hind your wall And you'll ne-ver fall in love If you don't risk at all You'll re-gret it all Li-ving be-hind your wall And you'll ne-ver fall in love If you don't risk at all